About Us

Deaf Discovery’s ultimate mission of this website is to promote awareness on sign language and deaf culture through a series of videos presented in SgSL and English subtitles. Developed in Singapore, the video shows present various lifestyle, food, travel and entertainment topics to local and international Deaf community.

What is SgSL?

SgSL stands for Singapore Sign Language (A whole combination of Shanghainese, locally developed signs and Signing Exact English (SEE), which uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning.

With SgSL videos, Deaf Discovery presents great opportunity to enrich the local and international Deaf’s experience of watching. Even hearing people can enjoy the wonderful interactive experiences with sign language.

Besides Deaf Discovery’s main mission…

Deaf Discovery also hopes to reach out to international Deaf and inspire them to visit Singapore and enjoy the fun process of good bondings with each other.

Just drop us email anytime by filling in the contact form and we see how we can help you. Let’s connect and enjoy the fun together! 🙂